A daily meditation sample.

What the Deeper Diet beta testers are saying:

"I love that the audios are added every day. I don’t have to hunt for them. I know which one is next to do. And perhaps best of all I feel a steady care going on - where I’m being helped with consistency. The momentum of that is helping me greatly."

"Since joining Deeper Diet I don't even worry when I think about food. I'm in the flow on this topic now and I know it."

"For anyone wondering if they should try it out: if you have the nudge I highly recommend it.  HIGHLY.  My old patterns have changed already.  My sense of self-calm has increased exponentially.  This is only week one!"

"I am impressed with the quality and care of your audio offerings.  Everything from the writing of the meditations to the soothing backgrounds to how well they are mixed."

"Good morning!  I am LOVING the audios.  Worthy Wednesday today made me cry.  Such a beautiful, powerful meditation."

"I can tell you take great care with your scripts.  They are wonderful."

"Loving these meditations and truly feeling the vibration uplift in me."

"I loved the Sunday Self-Love meditation.  Huge smile on my face.  Great sense of peace.  Thank you for all the care you put into it."

Daily Doses of Abraham Fun for Slimming Sorcery and Money Magic

"The Law Of Attraction treats your imagination as reality."
- Abraham

A Daily Cup Of Magic

Hello! My name is Eric Olsen, and I once weighed almost 400 pounds. After finding the teachings of Abraham in 2001, and having many "hotseats" at Abraham-Hicks workshops and cruises since, I've dropped over 200 of those pounds (and kept them off!)

As a result, I've also developed a fun, Abraham-style coaching practice to help people lose weight beyond deprivation dieting and willpower.

"Deeper Diet" is a fun expansion of my practice beyond 1-on-1 coaching. It allows me to engage on a daily basis with many people at once, and is therefore far less expensive. The daily cost compares to a cup of coffee!

The Scoop On The Group

As a coach, I've created many fun guided meditations involving "Hugwarts"--a magical school where we embrace ("hug") our supposed imperfections ("warts"), for the gifts they bring. In Abraham's view, of course, all such contrast is not only desirable, but necessary for allowing us to emerge as joyful and deliberate creators of our realities.

Now in this Deeper Diet group, I offer daily recordings of these meditative daydreams (over 150 now!) that have proven helpful for "downstream" weight loss.

Beyond those guided meditations, I also offer a daily pre-sleep meditation to promote better sleep and alignment with both weight loss and financial prosperity (more on that below).

I also offer music every day with subliminal messages that support these goals, Abraham-style. (As a music teacher and audiophile, creating subliminal soundtracks has been an interest of mine since 1989).

And, I also offer daily creative suggestions for journaling one's way to a more slender body, using the guiding principles offered in the teachings of Abraham.

Read more on all this below!

150 Daydreams

"The Law Of Attraction treats your imagination as reality."

This Abraham quote is the basis of the 150 daily meditations I offer in this group, set at "Hugwarts Castle" (read more at Love Hoo You Are).

These are recorded by me in the same way I use them with private clients, spiced up with music and Hugwarts professors. They involve various topics related to weight loss, one for each day of the week. For example, there's "Self-Love Sunday" and "Money Monday". (Read more on money and weight loss in the next section.)

"Tempo Tuesday" is about exercise and metabolism, as well as the speed of your personal vibration. "Worthy Wednesday" involves accepting that you are worthy of good things, including a slimmer body and financial abundance. "Thrilling Thursday" involves building excitement about the changes that are underway.

"Feel-Good Friday" is about feeling good unconditionally, much like "Source-ness Saturday", where we focus on the energy of Source at the heart of our being.

Another daily meditation sample.

Sidebar: Weight Loss and Money

It might seem unusual to include a focus on money as part of a weight loss program, but Abraham tells us that money is a far-reaching topic that affects every area of life.

Why? Money is an issue that we deal with every day--and for most of us, it often involves feelings of restriction and lack. Instead of enjoying days of pure freedom, in which money is no object, we often engage in lackful thinking about our finances. And when the flow of Source Energy is blocked in our finances, it is blocked everywhere, to some degree.

In the domain of food and weight, these lackful habits of thought often translate into feelings that promote overeating. (To the body, lack equals starvation.) This is why, for one day every week, the meditations offered here are focused on developing a mindset for financial abundance.

Sleep Yourself Thin

Apart from those daily guided meditations, I also offer a pre-sleep meditation for each night of the week, to be listened to right before bed or while falling asleep. These are meant to assist in better sleep, as well as guide one's thoughts into alignment with Source Energy and the desire to lose weight easily and naturally.

Many dieters don't realize that getting enough sleep is an important part of any weight loss project, biologically speaking. Insufficient sleep creates hormone inbalances that promote both overeating and weight gain. This can also lead to elevated levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, as well as impair the metabolism of food.

Subliminal Sorcery

In the same vein, I began creating subliminal soundtracks in 1989 as a fledgling piano teacher. As a musician and an audiophile, I was intrigued by the potential for subliminals to help performers (both my students and myself) with issues like stage fright, confidence, perfectionism, and quieting one's inner critic.

After discovering Abraham in 2001, I began developing subliminals as a way to retrain old habits of lackful thinking into new patterns of abundance, joy, and love (which are all synonymous, according to Abraham).

To that end, I offer a handful of subliminal songs here each day to support a mindset of abundance regarding food, exercise, money, and other related topics. The songs are in a wide variety of Muggle genres, from pop to classical and techno to jazz. (Wizarding music is offered too, of course!)

The purpose of each song is clearly defined, so members can decide whether they are of interest.

(Here are a few samples of my Abraham-style subliminals, in a variety of styles:  AcousticAfrobeatsDanceElvishIndian ClassicalIndie PopPop, and, of course: Wizarding Music!)

Write Yourself Slim

"Words add power to everything that you think."

My interest in inner journaling began long before I heard this quote from Abraham. As both a piano teacher and longtime spiritual seeker, it was obvious to me that musicians often lack a practical means for connecting with the soul. And for musicians, making music from the soul can lead to an incomparable warmth and beauty of tone.

Inner journaling is the method I've recommended most often for promoting this contact. And having had more than 300 students over the years, it became obvious to me that such journaling often comes with an unexpected side effect: a trimmer figure!

I don't pretend to understand this fully, but it seems clear that writing oneself "up the emotional scale" (as Abraham puts it), of moving through whatever is causing emotional pain, leads naturally to a healthier relationship with food. And so, I offer daily suggestions for journaling here in the Deeper Diet group as well.

The Community Forum

The private Deeper Diet Facebook group is the meeting place for myself and the members of this community, where comments, coaching, encouragement, and questions can be shared. (I expect to experiment with things like video chats and so forth in the coming year.)

Once you've signed up for the 7-Day Free Trial (see below), click here to join the Deeper Diet Facebook group. When you request to join, provide the email address you used when signing up below. This will verify that you should have access to the community.

Another daily meditation sample.

7-Day Free Trial

Big news, beta teters! Use the PROMO code BETATEST at checkout for a 50% discount off your subscription. NOT just for the first month--but for as long as your membership lasts!

You can always cancel your membership at any time, of course. No hard feelings if it's not for you!

See the purple section below to get started once you've subscribed!

Getting Started

Once you've signed up above, you can listen to the Deeper Diet library in any podcasting app, but most especially the Castos app (which is HIGHLY recommended, since it's already integrated with Deeper Diet).

The Castos app is available in both the Apple and Google Play app stores.

Remember to also request membership in the Deeper Diet private Facebook group once you've signed up, by clicking here! When requesting to join the group, include the email you used when you signing up in the green section above.

My Other Sites

Abraham Coach - My home site for Law of Attraction coaching

Love Hoo You Are - The website about my current and upcoming LOA projects (like this one)

Practical Abraham-Hicks - My Abraham Facebook group (co-founded with coach Vaiva Love)

Vortex First - An online library I created with over 1,000 quotes from Abraham, dozens of Abraham articles, and much more!